Strategic Money Mapping

You have worked hard to create an amazing income and lifestyle for your family. And when you really look at the ins and outs of your money, your values, your goals, and the dreams you desire, things just aren’t adding up.

But what if you could get intentional with your money?

💚 Want to be able to work because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to?

💚 Want to build a powerful, profitable business that creates life-giving jobs and doesn’t have to operate on debt just to get by? It IS possible!!

💚 Want to make sure your kids never go into debt for their education, whatever they choose? You can be strategic about making that happen!

💚 Want to make sure that when you retire your grandkids have an awesome ranch to come visit you at, to play with the animals and ride 4-wheelers? You can do that, too!

Whatever your big dream is... You can do it, no matter how impossible it all seems.

You can do the things you were never taught before, and make your money work FOR you.

It’s crazy now, as I’m working with clients all over the world to do exactly that, I see the same things echoed over and over.

💸They are able to create margin within their cash flow within the first month and have all described it as a deep sigh of relief!

💸They are seeing their net worth tick up every single month!

💸They’re feeling like they have an actual plan for the first time - getting by on a wing and a prayer may have been okay for the Boomers, but now they get to be intentional and strategic!

What if, 4 weeks from now, you could be on the same path?

Introducing 🗺Strategic Money Mapping

Over 4-weeks, we’re going to do a deep dive into your finances, your goals, your values, and your dreams to map out a financial strategy that actually creates momentum in your money in a way that feels exciting, aligned, and sustainable! We’re going to actually find solutions to the parts that have felt struggle-bus-y

This might be for you if:

  • You’re a business owner with multiple streams of income into the household, ready to get all the pieces to fall in line so you can see what’s really happening in your money
  • You’re a six-figure household needing to get out of the debt cycle and make massive moves towards financial freedom
  • You’re seeing the numbers on paper as you file your tax returns thinking “What? We made THAT much money? Where did it all go?” - and are ready to get clear and harness that amazing income you work so hard for
  • You know that with your income, you should be farther ahead saving for the future and need to know the best way to set yourself up for success
  • You're making good money, but you've just never really been taught how to manage it in a way that felt good

During the 4 weeks, we’ll have four 1-hour calls:

  • The moment you sign up - BOOM! You’ll start in on your pre-work. We’re going to take inventory of your current situation - no this isn’t a 12-step program, but it might feel like it 😂
    • 💰Income 💸Debt 💵Cash Flow 📈Net Worth
    • **this is how we really know exactly where you stand
    • This should take about an hour for you to complete, depending on your situation
  • We’ll have our first call as soon as you’re done! (You’ll get a scheduling link with your pre-work when you sign up)
    • We’ll review the inventory, audit your situation, set some solid goals and create a prioritized cash flow plan
    • AFTER this call - 🎶 hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go! 🎶 - I’m going to dig into all the numbers, comparing your situation to your goals and coming up with a preliminary strategy as a starting point
  • Our 2nd call will only be 2-3 days after the first
    • We’ll chat about my findings and thoughts and together we’ll decide on the strategy/plan to implement moving forward! Yes, you get input! It’s YOUR money!
    • Over the next week or so, I’m going to gather or create any tools, resources, or systems you need to be successful implementing that plan (you’ll get to tell me what would help you the most!)

YEP! You heard that right - I’m going to custom-build you a money system and strategy that makes sense to your brain and feels amazing!!! No cookie-cutter advice here!!

  • Our 3rd call will be for me to share those tools and resources, teach you about them, make sure you’re comfortable starting to use them, and have everything you need to move forward!
    • THEN… over the next 2 weeks, you’re going to DO THE THING!
      • You’re going to be implementing the system and strategy we come up with!
  • In our 4th call - we’ll review how things went and make any revisions or tweaks necessary to make sure you feel confident moving forward!!
    • You’ll have full access to message me during that 4 weeks whenever you need anything!

AND - in case you were already stressing about getting support after our time together, I’ve created a way to work with me that I will only be offering to those who’ve already completed the 4-Week Money Management Map

I’ve implemented these strategies with clients over the past 3 years and have seen them get incredible results in shorts periods of time!

  • Fast-tracked a debt payoff strategy from a 7-year plan to under 2 years, saving thousands in interest
  • Made an additional $2,000 in debt payments compared to the previous month
  • Increased net worth by an average of over $4,000/month
  • Increased take-home salary by 25% by implementing a simple money management system that actually felt easy
  • Decreased the cash flow “chaos” in the business so debt didn’t have to be used for expenses anymore

And so much more!

Here’s what happens next!

  • Once you've paid, you'll get a link to complete an onboarding survey. This will give me an idea of your current situation, as well as your goals and concerns!
  • When you complete that survey, like ✨MAGIC✨, a personalized dashboard will be created for our time together!  
    • That dashboard is where you'll find details of how to complete your pre-work and schedule your first call!
    • You'll also be able to send me messages anytime on that Dashboard!

If you’re ready to nail down a solid strategy and roadmap for your money, get all the pieces to fit together, and start intentionally creating the financial future you dream of in just 4 weeks, click "Complete my purchase" and get ready for the magic!

$2,000.00 USD

As I know that availability may vary, your 4-week time will begin on the day of your first call. If you are unable to complete the pre-work by the day of your call, you must reschedule.

Please note, the total time from payment to the final call must be no more than 6-weeks. If you need to reschedule multiple calls, this will decrease the implementation phase between call #3 and #4, which may affect our ability to properly refine your system. If you are unavailable to complete the final call by 6 weeks after your purchase date, you will forfeit the final call.

Available time slots are during standard business hours, Eastern Time (US). If this does not suit your availability, please communicate directly with Nichole BEFORE making your purchase. 

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